Monday, September 30, 2019

Baby Thesis Essay

State of the Problem This study aimed to established and look into the factors leading to the parent-child misunderstanding of the high school students and their parents of the Saint Patrick’s Academy in School Year 2014 -2015. Specifically, this study also sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of the closeness of the parent and teenage child based on how often they are communicating? 2. What are the factors that really affect the parent and teenage child communication? 3. What are the common problems between parent and child? Significance of the Study The result of the study would be beneficial to the administrator, guidance counselors, teacher, parents, students, to the future researcher and to those aspiring to have a family someday as well. The study would be of great help to those parents and teenage child whose experiencing such kind of communication gap. To the administrator, it would serve as a guide to create some programs encouraging to the good communication of parent and child. To the guidance counselor, it would serve as a help to improve their skills in guidance counseling and it would guide them to more understand the students they guided. To the teachers, it would serve as a help them to understand those students with such experience. To the parents, it would serve as guide not only to improve their respond and communication with their teenage child but also to understand more what their child wants to express. To the students, it would serve not only as a help to be aware of their communication to their parents but also as a guide in improving their understanding about their parents. To the future researcher, it would serve as guide for their future research/thesis. To those aspiring to have a family someday, it would serve as a guide to have a good parenting. Scope and Limitations of the Study The study was focused on the factors leading to the parent-child misunderstanding among the high school students of the Saint Patrick’s Academy and their parents. The subjects of the study were 398 students enrolled in the School Year 2014 – 2015 and their parents or their guardian. Definition of Terms Consanguinity. It is the property of being from the same kinship as another person. Affinity. It is the relationship, especially by marriage as opposed to blood ties. Matrifocal. It is the relationship between a mother and her children. Conjugal. It is the relationship between a husband, his wife and children. Thenuclear family. It is the another term use for conjugal. Generation gap. It is the differences of outlook or opinion between people of different generations. Miscommunication. It is the failure to communicate adequately. Peer Group. It is a group of people of approximately the same age, status, and interests. Harrassment. It is the aggressive pressure or intimidation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Stephen Colbert on American Jobs

Stephen Colbert on American Jobs In Stephen Colbert’s book, America Again, Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren’t, he talks about a wide range of problems in American society. They range from jobs to energy to healthcare, and of course, they are all written in a satirical sense. In the second chapter, Colbert and his writers talk about jobs in America. They discuss the problem of jobs being shipped overseas to countries like India and China and Colbert puts forth his â€Å"solutions† to the problems, which mostly include setting up sweatshops in America.He also talks about job interviews and how to be successful at them. Colbert and his staff of writers use a wide range of comic techniques in the book as a whole and in the chapter on jobs to satirize the American culture and government. One comic technique Colbert uses in the jobs chapter is reduction. Reduction is essentially belittling or degrading someone. Near the beginning of the chapter, there is a pict ure of Barack Obama being captioned as Jimmy Carter.While Jimmy Carter was a decent president and many historians agree that he didn’t do anything bad, he is widely remembered for not doing much of anything during his one term as president except failing to get the Americans that were being held hostage in Iran out safely. Barack Obama has a similar record of inactivity in his first term, so the book captions Obama as Carter to essentially say that Obama didn’t do much in his first term as president.Throughout the chapter and the whole book, Colbert and his writers use pictures to their advantage. This is a common technique in satire because it’s easy to get your message across using pictures. They are usually fairly simple, quick to look at, and easy to understand the meaning of. Colbert also uses caricatures to his advantage in the chapter on jobs. A caricature is usually some sort of picture of the person or group being satirized with their more unsightly fea tures being greatly exaggerated. It is a common technique used by satirists.Near the beginning of the chapter, there is a picture of an Indian woman going through the Kama Sutra exercises, a very old series of exercises used to strengthen the body and mind, while working at a call center. Through this picture, Colbert is talking about the problem of American jobs being shipped overseas. He also has a picture of a howler monkey named Bobo running a human resources department at a company. There is a common stereotype against human resources departments for not doing much work and making the employees’ lives difficult.The howler monkey is supposed to represent the HR department because it would be impossible to work with a monkey. Bobo even goes so far as to eat an employee’s paperwork, the equivalent of an HR department losing your paperwork. While pictures are of great use in satire, words can be just as effective if used properly. One technique Colbert and his writers use is burlesque, or the treating of a serious matter in a joking or flippant way. Burlesque is used throughout the chapter, but is used the most in the part about job interviews.Job interviews are extremely important, for they can make the difference between being hired for a job and not getting a job. In our current economy, interviews have become even more important because people are often in dire need of employment. Colbert devotes several pages to telling readers how to conduct a good interview. He tells the reader how many handshakes they should give, proper dress, and even how to appeal to the interviewer. Colbert also says to repeat the interviewer’s name many times.He says â€Å"Make a point of repeating your interviewer’s name as many times as possible as soon as you hear it† (Colbert 44). Colbert is essentially saying that by repeating the interviewer’s name, you’re flattering them, a common technique used by job seekers in interviews. Colbert satirizes the interview process as whole because he sees it as a joke and formality. He believes, and many will agree with him, that getting a job depends on flattery and connections with the interviewer. A fourth technique used by Colbert in the jobs chapter is reductio ad absurdum.This technique involves the satirist pretending to take the side of the person or group he or she is mocking in an attempt to further humiliate their subject. In the chapter, Colbert pretends to support sweatshops and shipping jobs overseas. He even goes so far as to suggest putting sweatshops in America and disbanding unions. In one of Colbert’s â€Å"truth punches† he says â€Å"The minimum wage ruined the proud American tradition of the sweatshop. You start paying American workers a minimum wage, the next thing you know they’re demanding air-conditioning and less flammable shirtwaist materials† (Colbert 30).The conditions he describes are very common in sweatshops around the world and are obviously a huge health and safety hazard. However, they make manufacturing cheaper and the lack of labor laws allows them to force their employees to work in the aforementioned conditions. Colbert pretends to support these views because by doing so he can make fun of them more effectively. Also, he highlights the extreme working conditions because by doing so, he can show the absurdity of both sweatshops and the argument for them.He can pretend to support horrible working conditions and still be viewed as humorous because everyone knows that those conditions are inhumane. One characteristic of satire that Colbert and his writers use in the jobs chapter is obscenity. At the beginning, he makes fun of the Rosie the Riveter, a common figure for female empowerment during World War II. He describes Rosie as â€Å"History’s most thinly veiled lesbian-I have worked hard to remain ignorant of whatever depraved act ‘riveting’ is† (Colbert 21).He also talks about Alan Greenspan’s scrotum and puts in a picture of it. The obscenity does not really have any purpose in satirizing Americans and their jobs. It’s there mostly for the sake of making the reader laugh and want to continue. Exaggeration is easily one of the most common, if not the most common, characteristics of satire. The chapter and the book as a whole are filled with exaggerations of varying amounts. He uses a â€Å"quote† of Ayn Rand’s, which says â€Å"Any man using the words of another is an unthinkable parasite worthy of contempt and death† (Colbert 25).Obviously Ayn Rand never said this; it’s a rather extreme thing to say and would have damaged her credibility. Colbert uses exaggeration in this instance to satirize Rand’s views of the working American. She is widely known for being a conservative and scorning Americans who don’t work and live off of the benefits of society. Colbert also uses this q uote as an opportunity to take another swing at the Republicans. By making fun of a popular conservative, he is, by association, making fun of conservatives as a whole.The style of satire that Colbert and his writers use is a monologue. In a monologue, the satirist speaks from behind a mask. In America Again, Colbert is the narrator, and he uses this position to satirize more freely. By staying as himself, he can use the persona he has on his tv show, and he doesn’t need to spend time creating a character to speak through. This is also advantageous when using the reductio ad absurdum technique because most readers will already know that he doesn’t really support the side he’s pretending to be on, and they can appreciate the comedy more.The chapter on jobs was very amusing and did a good job of satirizing American jobs and American’s views on jobs. He satirizes how Americans preach the need to bring jobs back to America from countries like India and China, but no one is willing to lose money by investing in more expensive American workers. Works Cited Colbert, Stephen, Michael C. Brumm, and Andrew Matheson. â€Å"Jobs. † America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't. New York: Grand Central Pub. , 2012. 16-47. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Gallipoli campaign Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Gallipoli campaign - Article Example It is estimated that more than 130,000 Allied soldiers died. Surprisingly, the Turks fiercely put up a resistance that proved impossible for the Allied forces to crack. Throughout the Wars in Europe, the Ottoman Empire had remained neutral for it was still recouping from internal civil strives and political instabilities (Broadbent 12). However, by 1914, the Turks had fully recovered and entered the World War 1 on the side of the Central Powers- Germany and Austria-Hungary (Hart 8-13). Turkey as a country lies between the Europe and Russia. In this case, it was impossible for Europe to link up with Russia with Turkey at the center as a Central Power (Hart 8-13). The Allied Forces therefore wanted to capture the straits so as to be able to establish links with the Russians through the Black Sea (Hart 8-13). Capture of the Dardanelles Straits would have also made it easy for the Allied forces to kick the Turks out of the war (Hart 8-13). Nevertheless, even though the Gallipoli Campaign was only seen as a great loss on the side of the Allied forces, the war brought equal losses to both sides. The Allied forces lost a huge number of soldiers and warships while Turkey’s national resources were largely damaged and not forgetting the high number of Turk soldiers who lost their lives in this War (Hart 8-13). Further, Broadbent (57-61) argue that the Allied forces wasted a lot of resources in the Gallipoli Campaign that would have been vital to them on the major war front. It was unrealistic how the Allied forces lost this particular battle but critics argue that the loss was as a result of poor execution of warring strategies (Hart 8-13). The British and her allies were steered by ill-fitted goals, insufficient artillery, overconfidence, inaccurate intelligence and maps, poor plans, tactical deficiency, in experienced troops as well as the inadequate logistics and equipment (Broadbent, 19-20). The

Friday, September 27, 2019

Apps of psychology ( application of psychology) Essay

Apps of psychology ( application of psychology) - Essay Example These principles govern the functioning and the growth experienced by the organization. Rationalism is a principle that expresses decision making and analysis in deductive and logical patterns. This principle emphasizes objectivity and logical patterns that are very useful in identifying the best procedures that will lead to enhanced productivity. Pragmatism is a principle that defines the need for emphasis on results, and the need to identify the procedures most effective in delivering the said end goal. Existentialism on the other hand is a principle that guides development towards individual and team growth through enhanced understanding of needs, values and goals. These philosophical constructs are very real to the process of Organizational Development. Freud’s Psychoanalytic constructs are best applied to individuals, but are also useful in understanding the motivations of an individual within an organization. His description of anxiety and defense mechanisms like projection denial and action formation have been found to be applicable to organizational settings; while the concepts of fixation, transference and regression have been found to adequately explain issues faced by individuals in the resolution of these said problems. Freud’s theory breaks life into stages, and the resolution of the dilemmas Faced by the person at each stage becomes a key component in the personality they form by the time they reach adulthood. Using this information, it is possible to select individuals who are equipped for certain jobs, and the avoid placing individuals in positions which will draw out their anxieties and inhibit their ability to work better. The understanding of personality afforded to us by the work of Sigmund Freud helps is in choosing the right individual for the right job, for understanding and resolving the anxiety and dilemmas faced in work groups; and to understand

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critically evaluate the operational activity of Singapore Airlines Essay

Critically evaluate the operational activity of Singapore Airlines - Essay Example The intention of this study is Singapore Airlines as one of the best rated airline companies operating in the globe. The highly turbulent and capital intensive industry segment generates a considerable need for organizations like Singapore airlines to ensure better operational abilities. Considering the fact that the domestic market of the nation is very small hence the airline needs to use the international route to stay in the business and maintain profitability and sustainability. Moreover the competitive price wars being introduced into the market by the advent of the low cost carriers also plays a major threat to the profitability and sustainability of companies like Singapore Airlines. Hence it is imperative for Singapore Airlines to ensure operational excellence that can help the company stay afloat in the highly turbulent and competitive business market. Singapore airlines have crafted a well structured operational strategy to maintain sustainability and retain the competitiv e edge. In this regard the company has procured new and advanced aircrafts like Boeing 777 and 747 to save on costs and generate efficiency. It is the first company to have used the world’s largest carrier for long haul flights generating greater revenue per unit spent on operations. The airline also had a good fuel hedging strategy under which the airline was the first among the major airline companies having international operations to be able to fully offset the entire quantum of price element by virtue of hedging strategies. This helped the company to save on costs in the highly volatile oil market that is characterised by heavy fluctuations and skyrocketing prices (Morrell & Swan, 2006, p.14). Singapore airlines have also used the hub and spoke model to enhance its reach to new areas. The airline has made Singapore the hub and draws passengers from neighbouring nations to its hub in smaller aircrafts. From its hub the company uses larger aircrafts like Boeing 747 and Air bus A380 to fly to far off destinations. In this way the company tries to use the international market to generate revenues. This assumes importance considering the fact that Singapore is a very small nation with a very small market and hence in order to maintain profitability and sustainability the company needs to tap the international audience. Figure 1: Operational Statistics-Singapore Airlines (Source: Singapore Airlines, 2010, p. 6) The figure shown above illustrates the operational aspects of the airline company. The figure clearly states that the carrier has generated a one percent change in the number of passengers carried with the figure at actual being 16647 (in thousands). The passenger load factor that is a measure of an airline’s usage of its capacity has also shown a slight improvement of 0.1 percentage point to 78.5 percent. However the figure is considerably impressive considering the dip in the number of passengers owing to recessionary activities in the eco nomy and the advent of low cost carriers in the market. The figure for available seat kilometres has also shown an increase by about 2.3 percent. This implies that the carrier has augmented its efficiency in using its available passenger seats. The figure for revenue passenger kilometres also shows a significant increase of 2.3 percent to 84801.3 million kilometres in the year 2010-11. This implies that Singapore Airlines has generated greater efficiency in generating revenues by flying passengers over greater distances. The measure of passenger yield has also risen by about 14.4 percent to reach figures of 11.9 cents per kilometre. This implies that the company generated greater fare as revenue flowing per mile from the passengers across various routes. The increase in the value over its previous year shows that the company

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Writing Journal for the chapters 8&9 Assignment

Writing Journal for the chapters 8 - Assignment Example During renaissance, borrowing was not favored since the stranger the words the more the objection from people (Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 202). III. Adaptation: These are words that entered or still existed in the English language that were used to express new concepts. English did not only adopt new words to express concepts but also used its own word (Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 209). The chapter Renaissance, 1500-1650 describes new factors that added up to the development of English language such as the printing press, education, communication and various forms of self-consciousness about language. As I read through the chapter, several questions arose. They include; a. The authors write, â€Å"Although English, along with the other vernaculars, had attained an established position as the language of popular literature, a strong tradition still sanctioned the use of Latin in all the fields of knowledge.†(Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 190). Why was Latin language favored instead of English language? d. Humanism is a renaissance era intellectual movement. How did they increase the understanding of the world as they studied the culture of Rome and Greece? What was their focus on worldly things and not religious views help? I. â€Å"In the Modern English period, the beginning of which is conveniently placed at 1500, certain of these new conditions come into play, conditions that previously either had not existed at all or were present in only a limited way, and they cause English to develop along somewhat different lines from those that had characterized its history in the Middle Ages.†(Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 187). II. â€Å"None of the other modern languages of Europe had had to endure the consequences of a foreign conquest that temporarily imposed an outside tongue upon the dominant social class and left the native speech chiefly in the hands of the lower social classes.† (Baugh &

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Agency Protest to a General Accounting Office (GAO) Research Paper

Agency Protest to a General Accounting Office (GAO) - Research Paper Example One of the major initiatives that have been put in place by developed countries is procurement reform. This included the establishment of mechanisms through which offerors can question the officials in charge of the procurement procedures in the government departments. In case the procuring agencies are not compliant with the law and regulations governing the procurement process, the aggrieved parties undertake the bid protest. The major forms of federal bid protest include an agency-level protest, protest through the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the jurisdiction through United States Court of Federal Claims (COFC) (GAO-03-673G Government Auditing Standards, 2012).   Important aspects of Agency Protests Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 33.103 gives the guidelines that must be followed by the agencies in addressing of the protests generated by the offerors. Having being established by the Executive Order 12979, agency protest stipulates that all the concerned part ies must take all the necessary steps to ensure that the conflict is solved in an amicable way. Even though the government has clearly outlined the regulations that control the agency protests, most of the agencies complement the FAR provisions by initiating their own regulations that are not favorable to the offerors. A protest is initiated by an interested party. An interested party is an individual whose economic interest would be adversely affected by the failure to win a contractor through the award of the contact (Robert, 2012). This is one of the major aspects that are common both to agency and GAO protests. There is no jurisdiction on the protests that an agency can handle since it has the authority to deal with all the protests that are related to its contracts. However, according to Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, a protest that is related to delivery order contracts or issuance of the task that can be given to various contractors when an agency is in need of particu lar services or goods cannot be considered by an agency. In such cases, the aggrieved individuals institute a complaint to the delivery order ombudsman as provided by the FAR 16.505 (Federal Acquisition Regulations).  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Drugs and Rock&roll Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Drugs and Rock&roll - Research Paper Example Rock and roll in the late 40s and 50s was mainly identified as African American music. Moreover, white middle-class youth enjoyed it immensely. These youth would go in search of dancing halls where rock and roll was the staple as the predominantly White areas would not play it. The notion that Rock and Roll music merely supports the pure expression of reality is erroneous. Since its inception in the 1950s many ‘Rock and Roll’ musicians have romanticized drug abuse and early death and have been partially responsible for the broad acceptance of psychedelic drugs in society. This scandalized their parents as they felt that White youth would inevitably adopt Black culture and mannerisms if they only listened to Black musicians. Mixing with Black people in any context was strictly forbidden in the 50s in the United States. The rock and roll beat, which was so intriguing, was viewed by the older generation of Americans as being similar to the primitive rhythms which originated in Africa. What was especially frightening for the parents of this era is that they could not seem to be able to stop their children from liking this new and foreign music. There were many attempts to quell the ‘wild’ beats used in rock and roll by using mellow White singers like Pat Boone re-do songs that were originally done by Black musicians (Evans, 1998). Moreover, this did nothing to stop the popularity of rock and roll among the youth. One of the reasons why parents were so concerned with this music genre is because the Black musicians did not make any effort to hide the fact that they believed that drugs were a necessity if one was to create good music. According to some rock and roll musicians, drugs would help the musician to explore his or her inner thoughts while simultaneously escaping the limitations of real life. This would result in enhanced creativity due to better sensory perception. Government authorities in America attempted to arrest the increased abuse of drugs but were unable to stop this trend. In 1951, Alan Freed, a White disc jockey from Cleveland launched a radio show known as "Moondog Rock 'n' Roll Party,". This station would only play music that was created by Black musicians. It has been claimed that the words ‘rock and roll’ were first heard on this station. Entire neighborhoods with White populations would tune in to this station whenever it was on air. More and more White musi cians, particularly the youthful ones, began to experiment with creating music that sounded like what was heard on Alan Freed’s Moondog Rock 'n' Roll Party. Rock lyrics were not only popular because they were rhythmic, but also because they challenged the accepted rules of the mainstream society. The music motivated the youth to revolt against the social norms. At that time, it was an accepted thing that â€Å"children should be seen and not heard†. Rock music challenged this norm by encouraging every living being to seek self expression. Rock also encouraged young adults to experiment with things they were unsure of, such as drugs, in order to establish for sure that they were not good. Hollywood culture took advantage of this misunderstanding caused by, among other things, the generation gap and started to generate documents claiming to â€Å"

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Business strategy - NOKIA on global market Essay

International Business strategy - NOKIA on global market - Essay Example Every company is gearing up to develop new applications in their Smartphone offering which ultimately decreases scope of creating differentiation for customers. Mobile industry review has pointed out companies need to customize their offering with Android OS in order to fulfil demand of customers. High buyer power has forced companies to adopt technological innovation in Smartphone in order to achieve product differentiation. Threat of Substitutes Fixed line telephones can be classified as direct substitute for mobile phones. For example, fixed line phones play important role in big organizations in comparison to mobile phones. It can be inferred that threat of substitutes becoming lower due to mobile phone’s multi application and wider geographic coverage. Mobile manufacturing companies need to adopt more technological innovations in their offering in order to increase acceptance in big organizations and decrease threat from substitutes further. ... Some companies are using Android operating system for their Smartphone’s while others are focusing on windows phone. Fixed costs associated with smart phone market are high due to requirement of investing in latest technologies. Hence it can be concluded that market rivalry is high. Global Smartphone market condition can be explained in the following manner. (Source: Deloitte, 2012) The diagram is showing that Global mobile phone market is dominated by Android OS while Apple iPhone OS is the second largest contributor. Companies are banking on Android OS to develop new products. Mobile manufactures try to establish equilibrium between Smartphone and features. The market segregation can be explained in the following manner: (Source: Deloitte, 2012) In future Companies will face specific threat from counterfeit products. Mobile manufacturers complemented by low resorce capabilities tend to imititate features and design of Smartphone manufacturered by reputed companies such as No kia, Samsung and Apple. Impact of such threat will increase in future. For example, small companies in copycats has counterfeited Nokia X6 product and launched in the market. Picture of counterfeited Nokia X6 can be used to analyze extent of counterfeiting in telecommunication industry. (Source: Delaney, 2012) Companies need to take strict legal action against counterfeits in order to maintain not only market share but brand image among customers. PEST Analysis- Nokia Political Factors Companies needs to follow respective government rule of different countries in order achieve sustainable business growth and demographic advantage (Zikmund and Babin, 2006, pp. 12-15). Global economy is complemented by

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How to Watch Your Brother Die Essay Example for Free

How to Watch Your Brother Die Essay The poem How to Watch Your Brother Die is a clear representation of the struggles of the homosexual community and how the outside world views them. The author recreates a situation in which a man is struggling with the death of his gay brother and learns the everyday trials he faced. The poem is told in first person so the readers can see firsthand what the straight brother is thinking. It has been a long time since he exiled his brother for being gay and gets the phone call that he is dying. (2-3) He is dreading flying to California and meeting the lover. (8-9). He symbolizes the fact that he has to keep a straight face and keep the emotions out of it. (10-11) He is very uncomfortable with the sexual orientation of his brother and cannot comprehend how a man can look at another man with love. (14-17) Reality sets in and he remembers his brother and the love they had for each other before the conflict with his brothers’ sexual interest. He misses those times deeply. (18-24) He tries to relate to the lover even though he doesn’t know how. He brought up the fact that the lover was an extremely good looking man but yet all he wants to see is his reaction. At this point he is just trying to understand how a man can love another man. This is a question that has puzzled him for a while. He finally gets his answer when the lover explains that it is just like the love between a husband and a wife but deeper because the odds are greater. He still doesn’t understand. (25-39) They drive into Mexico to acquire drugs that are not legal in the U. S. This is where he finally realizes the challenges that his brother has faced. They are stopped by border control and are told they cannot bring the drugs back. As he rages with anger he thinks about his children getting used to another mans hatred. (40-52) This is the climax of the poem. Society has made it difficult for people of same sex relationships to be able to coexist in today’s world without feeling exiled. He realizes he is one of the ones that judge them. He calls his wife to update her on the status of his brothers’ health. He asks her â€Å"How could anyone’s commitment be deeper than a husband and wife? † She is disgusted by his question and does not answer. The brother slips into a coma and his time is almost up. The man is trying to stay strong and understanding as he holds the lover. He still cannot understand how a man can hold another man, as he grieves for his brother. (59-68) The funeral director tells him that he cannot embalm the body for fear of contamination. The man feels anger and hatred towards him. This symbolizes the fact that homosexuals are always covered up, having to hide per say, from showing who they really are. The man now understands what struggles his brother went through in life. As the man stands by the casket and greets the hundreds of homosexuals that pass by the show their respects. He realizes his brother’s life is much different from his own. Everything he thought was normal perhaps was not normal for everyone. As the passing lovers ask each other â€Å"Who will be next† we understand that the brother died from AIDS. (74-83) As the man is driven to the airport from the lover he finally gets the closer he needs. The lover tells him â€Å"Forgive yourself for not wanting to know him after he told you. He did†. As he found this closer he learned to accept the lover for who he was. A man who loved and took care of his brother the way he should have. (84-98) One the way home the man has a few drinks. This symbolizes the cliche of men being strong and keeping everything inside hidden. He strokes the scar on his eyebrow and smiles. He knows that his brother is in a better place and has forgiven him. He thinks of his children and not wanting to make the same mistakes with them as he did with his brother.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact Of Positive Organisational Behaviour Saudi Corporation Management Essay

Impact Of Positive Organisational Behaviour Saudi Corporation Management Essay This section includes a comprehensive discussion of the major concepts and theoretical literature that are relevant in this study on the impact of positive organisational behaviour in a Saudi corporation. This chapter builds the research framework by reviewing relevant literature on organisational behaviour, the role of managers and leaders, managing diversity and ethics, the role of behaviour and work outcomes, positive psychological capital, employee engagement, and psychological contract. Organisational Behaviour It is an accepted maxim of the modern business world that if organisations are to obtain a degree of competitive advantage, they require several key factors. Chief amongst these are a highly skilled work force; an excellent level of technological proficiency; and consistency in delivering higher quality products and services than their competitors (OReilly and Pfeffer 2000, p. 48). Obtaining and developing these factors is possible only if a company has a highly motivated workforce, which is willing to devote large amounts of discretionary effort to helping the company meet its goals. This argument has been supported by research that has shown that it is generally employees that drive success in the modern world, regardless of whether that success if defined as profitability, productivity or some other form (Pfeffer and Sutton 2000, p. 32). Unfortunately, the question still remains as to what steps companies can take to consistently motivate their employees to achieve this improved l evel of performance. One of the most prominent systems for achieving this, and one which is widely applied in modern organisations, is the concept of behavioural management (Stajkovic and Luthans 2003, p. 155). This concept focuses on the principle of contingent reinforcement, arguing that by rewarding desirable behaviours and punishing or discouraging undesirable ones, humans will moderate their behaviour to achieve the maximum rewards. However, this theory has come in for criticism with Bandura (1987) arguing that If people acted on the basis of informative cues but remained unaffected by the results of their actions, they would be insensitive to survive very long (p. 228). This implies that, over time, people will work out that the behavioural approach to human resource management is having consequences in terms of making them work harder, and hence will moderate their behaviour further to address this point. The thrust on organisational behaviour as an important human resource management concept did not come until the late 1980s (Robbins 2003). Traditionally, business students and future managers received intensive technical training in economics, statistics, accounting, and management theories in order to equip them with the tools in successfully leading companies. There was no mention of the importance of analysing human behaviour in the management equation. Capitalising on the technical aspect of business management had its advantages, but business researchers and practitioners soon found that while technical skills may have increased employee specialisation, it did little to produce successful employee relationships or interactions. Organisational theorists and researchers such as Luthans, Hodgetts and Rosenkratz (1988) were able to demonstrate that human resource skills and communication skills were in fact vital factors in effective leadership and management of business organizatio ns. The traditional skills such as planning, controlling, and decision-making only accounted for 19 percent of the formula for success. Organisational behaviour is defined as an interdisciplinary field which studies individuals and their behaviour within the context of the organisation in a workplace setting (Miner 2005, p. 3). Organisational behaviour focuses on the moods, feelings, and emotions of people in the workplace and studies stress, employee-manager relationships, physical settings, group dynamics, and reward/punishment systems in the work setting. Miner (2005) stressed the importance of the feelings, thoughts and actions of employees in influencing organisational culture. When workers are unhappy, they are unproductive (Luthans 2002a). However, ensuring excellent performance and high productivity is a multidimensional process. Organisational values change over time and employee behaviour is not static. This makes organisational behaviour a focal point in mapping out organisational development. By examining the behaviour of employees over time, management can formulate policies and solutions that impact emp loyees. So far, studies on management and organisational theory have pointed to different variables that drive employee behaviour and productivity. Managers have decided to implement policies to influence team productivity and enhance overall organisational efficiency with differing results. The strategies and approach have also been heterogeneous no one strategy has been proven to be effective in all internal or external organisational environments. What works for one company may not work for another. What several studies have highlighted is the importance of organisational personality in influencing a positive or negative work environment. Nelson and Cooper (2007) explained that the behavioural approach toward management improves organisational processes, interaction, communication channels between employees and managers, and the overall quality of service delivery of the organisation. Aparnas (as cited in Nelson and Cooper 2007, p. 87) study on team behaviours within organisations sugges ted that an organisations identity is influenced by both internal and external forces. Nelson and Cooper (2007) suggested that an organisations strategic plan can modify organisational culture. This finding supports the theory that external influence is effective in forming organisational personalities. This external influence falls within the scope of the functions of managers and leaders. By crafting strategy plans around organisational behaviour, managers and leaders can influence business success by motivating positive behaviours among employees. Managers and Leaders As pointed out earlier (Nelson and Cooper 2007), managers and leaders have an important role in introducing external influences to promote positive organisational behaviour. Managers and leaders are often referred to in the same context or not distinguished at all but in the study of organisational behaviour, a distinction is made (Nelson and Cooper 2007, p. 23). Categorising managers and leaders on the same level leads to role confusion and sometimes places individuals in functions they are not proficient in. This is especially true for large business organisations. Griffin and Moorhead (2010) believe that in the interest of maximising the true potentials and proficiencies of people in organisations, the organisational structure must differentiate the manager from the leader. Theorists (Bennis 1989, Yukl 2002) consider the manager and the leader as having unique functions and characteristics although these may overlap from time to time. Bennis (1989) considered leaders to display pa rticular traits such as inspiration, innovation, and development while managers were maintainers, controlling, and administrative. A manager is a person who identifies and achieves organisational objectives through the deployment of appropriate resources (Griffin and Moorhead 2010, p. 14). Managers are those that traditionally assume responsibilities in human resources which require communication skills and documentation. In the era of globalisation, managers have been challenged to be more knowledgeable of information technology to greatly enhance the management enterprise and to boost managerial capability to document and communicate with people in the workplace (Bloomberg 2009). On the other hand, a leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal (Yukl 2002, p. 132). As a characteristic, leadership is considered to be the result of both nature and nurture and while there are people born with natural leadership traits, leadership can be learned (Bennis 1998, Yukl 2002). Moreover, not one leadership style is best-suited in all work environments. Two theories adopt this view: the contingency theory of leadership by Fred Fielder (1978) and the situational leadership theory by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard (1969). Fielders contingency theory emphasised on the behaviours and reactions of leaders in particular situations. They believed that effective leadership depends on how a leader matches his style of leading with the organisational environment. Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership theory stressed that there is no singular best leadership style. According to both, successful leadership is task-relevant and is dependent upon two factors: 1) the leadership style adopted and the 2) maturity level of the group being led. Choosing the appropriate leadership style also has to consider the type of tasks or functions which need to be accomplished by the group (Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson 1996, p. 34). The main difference between managers and leaders is that the former are more goal-driven while the latter vision-driven. Bennis (1985) pinpointed the difference saying, managers are people that do things right and leaders are individuals who do the right thing (p. 21). Whatever differences they may have, Griffin and Moorhead (2010) opined that organisations need both management and leadership if they are to be effective. Leadership is necessary to create and direct change and to help the organisation get through tough times. Management is necessary to achieve coordination and systematic results and to handle administrative activities during times of stability and predictability. Management in conjunction with leadership can help achieve planned orderly change, and leadership in conjunction with management can keep the organisation properly aligned with its environment. Managers and leaders also play a major role in establishing the moral climate of the organisation and in determining the role of ethics in its culture (Griffin and Moorhead 2010). Managing Diversity in the Workplace A prominent reality that managers face in the modern organisational environment is diversity. Diversity is an important facet in the study of organisational behaviour because it characterises the different beliefs, persuasions, and behaviours of employees especially in multicultural organisational environments (Adler and Gundersen 2008, p. 65). Diversity is present when people with similarities and differences in age, ethnicity, religion, culture, and educational attainment are grouped together within the same working environment (Griffin and Moorhead 2010). Workplace settings today have become increasingly diverse due to equal opportunity legislations that secured the presence of women, minorities, and differently-abled persons in the workplace. Managers use different strategies in approaching diversity. On an individual scale, diversity may be handled by learning about others and demonstrating empathy and respect for cultural differences. On an organisational level, managers may use mentoring, training, work/life balance problems and implementing alternative work schedules. To manage diversity, Adler and Gundersen (2008) believe that organisations must establish a system of ethics in the workplace to support an ethical organisational culture. Relevant to this particular study is how to manage diversity in a multicultural workforce. In a society characterised by a melting pot of cultures, managers of Saudi companies are challenged to adapt and handle cultural differences vis a vis ethics and performance (Al Kibsi et al. 2007). Managing diversity in multicultural work environments is difficult but attainable if organisational leaders are sensitive and are committed toward adapting to cultural differences. Diversity must be handled with sensitivity and tolerance. Ethical questions may be interpreted differently by one culture and not by others; connotations may be attached to the meanings of some words which may be taken negatively by individuals or groups. Managing diversity has also become a priority in order to prevent legal claims of employee discrimination (Cameron, Dutton, and Quinn 2003). As a result, oganisations are turning to diversity training and multicultural strategic planning and organisational development to combat these problems. Human resource management is inextricably linked to handling cultural issues (Cameron, Dutton, and Quinn 2003). Because culture defines people, their behaviours and beliefs, managers need to be sensitive and proactive in addressing ethical or work relationship conflicts that pertain to differences in culture. When tackling the human resource strategies that are applicable to specific companies, culture should be seriously taken into account. Bell (2005) explained that managers in Saudi companies face numerous challenges in driving the performance of business organisations due in part to cultural factors. Problems such as low motivation (Bell 2005), tardiness and high turnover (Al Kibsi et al. 2007), and emphasis on higher pay (Al Kibsi et al. 2008) are some of the cultural characteristics of the Saudi workforce. Bell (2005) attributes this to the historical development of Saudi society. Many of its young professionals are members of privileged families and the influence of accumulate d wealth due to the oil boom has instilled a cultural preference for managerial positions and disdain for labour-type jobs. Al Kibsi and colleagues (2007) found in their study that foreign labour has become so necessary in running Saudi companies because private companies are unable to provide organisational structures that meet the desired rewards, career paths, and salaries demanded by Saudi professionals. Gopalakrishnan (2002) revealed in a study of culture of Saudi companies that honest and candid evaluations of performance have a high likelihood of eroding self-esteem among employees. Gopalakrishnan (2002) explained that unlike the highly individualistic culture in the United States, employees in the Middle East value collectivism and group work. Culture is a significant factor that managers must take into consideration because it also impacts employee motivation and consequently, work performance. Motivation in the Workplace Motivation is an important management process because it allows managers to influence the behaviour of employees by knowing what makes them tick (Luthans, 1998). Motivation is defined by Luthans (1998) as the process that arouses, energises, directs, and sustains behaviour and performance (p. 43). Motivating people is stimulating them to work toward a desired task. Employing effective motivation has been shown to impact employee satisfaction an organisational commitment (Luthans 2002a). Salary increases or promotions are not the only effective motivators; other incentives can be offered in order to spur employee motivation. It is a common assumption in management that organisational goals cannot be attained without the sustained commitment of organisational members. Motivation is characterised by factors which cause, channel, and sustain human behaviour in a particular committed direction (Adeyemo as cited in Alder and Gundersen 2008, p. 29). Some of the fundamental assumptions that managers and management researchers have about motivation are: 1) that it is a positive thing because a person cannot be confident about him or herself without being motivated (Alder and Gundersen 2008), 2) motivation is just one among several factors that contribute to a persons work performance aside from skill, resources, and work conditions (Luthans 2002a), 3) motivation is a renewable resource that needs continuing replenishment (Zhao 2009), 4) motivation is a management tool that managers should capitalise on in order to direct organisational performance (Griffin and Moorhead 2010). If managers are knowledgeable about the needs and drives of their workers, they can tailor work assignments and rewards according to what is stimulating for them. Managers motivate by appealing to the needs and desires of individual workers (Luthans 2002b). Theories of motivation Abraham Maslow, in his 1943 seminal work A Theory of Motivation, suggested that human beings five basic needs form a hierarchy: from physiological, to safety, to social, to esteem, to self-actualisation needs (Adler and Gundersen 2008). In his model of the needs hierarchy, Maslow explained that individuals are fundamentally directed toward the satisfaction of physiological needs. Physiological needs include basic human needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. As the primary need, Maslow believed that these needs have to be satisfied first before people can be motivated to satisfy other higher-order needs. After the satisfaction of physiological needs, safety and security go next. Safety and security refer to the need to be free from physical harm, from basic needs deprivation, and self-preservation. Next comes social affiliation which is the need for the individual to belong to one or more social groups and to be part of meaningful human relationships. After the social needs are sa tisfied comes the need to fulfill individual desires such as self-esteem and greater personal recognition from other human beings. Achieving self-esteem allows the individual to acquire self-confidence, power, prestige, and control over their circumstances and their contribution to their immediate environment. When self-esteem is satisfied, individuals progress toward self-actualisation which refers to the need to maximise ones potential and to become what one is capable of becoming (Hersey, Blanchard, and Johnson 1996, p. 81). According to Maslows needs hierarchy model, higher order needs (esteem and self-actualisation) only become activated, and thus motivate behaviour, after lower-order needs have been satisfied. This approach has been critiqued to be applicable only in the Western organisational context since motivation of employees from more collective-oriented cultures differs from that of their more individualistic Western counterparts. An individuals needs are particularly bound by culture (Alder and Gundersen 2008, p. 75). While Maslow concentrated on satisfying extrinsic factors to drive motivation, Frederick Herzbergs two-factor motivation theory stated that intrinsic factors are also important (Alder and Gundersen 2008, p. 76). Extrinsic factors include supervision, relations with co-workers, salary, company policy, supervision, and administration. Intrinsic motivators correspond to higher-order needs on Maslows hierarchy, including the work itself, responsibility, recognition for work done, and achievement and work advancement. Despite the acceptance and recognition of the two-factor motivation theory, its universality cannot be assumed. Factors which act as motivators and demotivators vary across culture (Griffin and Moorhead 2010). Hence, managers who are about to enter a new culture should be observant about the cultural factors which appear important and not assume the transferability of their earlier experiences with a particular culture. Positive Organisational Behaviour While organisations are looking to use human resource management concepts to boost the performance of their employees, only around half of all organisations have positive experiences of using them, and believe that they actually matter (Pfeffer 1998, p. 12). As a result, only a small fraction of organisations consistently implement and devote sufficient attention to high performance HRM practices. This further increases the degree of scepticism amongst workers, as more and more of them encounter poorly implemented practices that are often abandoned due to a lack of time and effort (Luthans and Youssef 2004, p. 143). This can lead to the spread of a negative and pessimistic form of organisational behaviour spreading throughout organisations that are using traditional forms of human resource management. The popularity of positive psychology has led to a reconsideration of traditional HRM practices that focus more on the negative aspects of organisational behaviour. Positive organisational behaviour has been defined by Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) as a management concept which emphasizes the need for more focused theory building, research, and effective application of positive traits, states, and behaviours of employees in organisations (p. 147). This implies that not only do organisations need to work on developing positive organisational behaviour, but also on ensuring that this behaviour is effectively applied and thus produces the desired outcomes. Otherwise, if the positive organisational behaviour fails to produce noticeable improvements, employees may lose heart and much of the optimism in their behaviour may be lost. Further to this, the concept of positive organisational behaviour needs to show the added value of the positive over and above the negative (Bakker and Schaufeli, 2008, p. 147) in order to gain wide acceptance and the attention needed to develop further. One of the main potential methods through which this added value could be demonstrated is that positive organisational behaviour is strongly linked to levels of work engagement. According to Bakker et al (2008) this implies that the development of positive organisational behaviour can lead to a positive, fulfilling, affective-motivational state of work-related well-being that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption (p. 187). In other words, developing positive organisational behaviour is more likely to make employees feel positive about their work, and also to engage more strongly with it. This in turn will lead to the employees caring more about the outcomes of their work as outcomes in their own right, rather than simply as tasks they have to complete in order to gain promotions or justify their salaries. This argument is supported by Bakker et als (2008, p. 187) empirical research, which showed that work engagement is influences strongly by the level of job resource s that employees have access to, and the level of personal resources that are inherent to the employee themselves. Of these, job resources focus on factors such as the supervisory coaching and feedback that the employee receives, whilst personal resources include many of the resources associated with positive organisational behaviour, such as optimism, self-efficacy and self-esteem. In addition to this, the research shows that work engagement is a valid predictor of job performance and client satisfaction, indicating that it can help to achieve the employee performance boost needed by modern organisations (Bakker et al, 2008, p. 187). Positive organisational behaviour [POB] emerged from the positive psychology approach in 1999 and was pioneered by Fred Luthans. Positive psychology departs from the traditional negative thrust of psychology as a field which studies illness rather than wellness and instead, proposes that the strengths and virtues that allow individuals and communities to thrive should be studied. Positive organisational behaviour focuses on theory building, empirical research, and application of positive attitudes, traits, and behaviours of employees within organisations (Luthans and Youssef 2007). Luthans (2002a) defined positive organisational behaviour as the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in todays workplace (p. 59). Positive organisational behaviour is a psychology-based approach toward human resource management and operates within a framework t hat considers employee happiness as viable objectives in themselves. Proponents of positive organisational behaviour treat employee well-being and health to be of strategic value for businesses. Instead of viewing occupational health and employee well-being as costs, positive organisational behaviour proponents consider them sound investments. Typically, POB focuses on use of organisational resources in increasing psychological capital, employee engagement, emotional intelligence, and psychological contract. POB is implemented in organisations to stimulate peak performance and enhance the conditions under which employees function and thrive. Psychological Capital The concept of psychological capital has become an important construct, not only in human resource management, but also in other areas such as leadership research. Psychological capital is seen as a key factor in allowing leaders to develop positive organisational behaviour within the organisations that they lead. This link is strongly supported by the research of Toor and Ofori (2010, p. 341) which found that psychological capital is strongly correlated with both leadership authenticity and transformational leadership. In their leadership study on construction and engineering project leaders, a distinction was made between traditional project leaders who drove performance through power, task orientation, and authority and authentic leaders who drove performance through positive values such as morality, ethics, and collective well-being. Authentic leaders who use positive behaviours capitalise on the environment of trust and are able to motivate people better and accomplish challengi ng tasks (Toor and Ofori 2010). Authentic leadership possesses high potential for development as well as veritable performance of construction project leaders. At the same time, the existence of transformational leadership in an organisation plays an important role in the ability of the organisations psychological capital to drive positive organisational behaviour and desired outcomes such as extra effort and satisfaction on the part of employees. However, there is also evidence to suggest that the development of psychological capital in organisations and its ability to drive positive outcomes at both the individual and organisational level, is strongly linked to the level of focused training and development that employees receive (Luthans et al, 2010, p. 41). An exemplary case is UK retailer Tesco which has one of the most impressive workforce development programmes. Tesco employees were considered the happiest and the most loyal in a survey among UK companies (European Monitoring Centre on Change 2007). Tesco has built its image on positive values such as ethics, morality, and human rights. For instance, it has a Working beyond retirement policy which accepts workers above the age of 50, a Remploy policy which brokers jobs for disabled individuals, a basic skills training program, and The Step Change Programme which values the initiatives of employees in suggesting company policies to enhance customer service and satisfactio n. This has resulted to high levels of employee and customer loyalty, positive relationships with suppliers, and efficiency savings amounting to GBP350million (European Monitoring Centre on Change 2007). The Tesco experience implies that psychological capital is not only something which emerges at work through the day to day actions of managers and leaders, but can also be developed through direct training interventions for the workforce. Indeed, the study by Luthans et al (2010, p. 41) indicated that said training interventions not only may be used to develop participants psychological capital, but can also lead to an improvement in their on-the-job performance. This indicates the importance of developing psychological capital at all stages of the human resource management cycle, in order to maximise the potential gains from positive organisational behaviour. Psychological capital refers to the positive psychological states that an individual owns and can use to achieve greater effectiveness in organisations. A comprehensive definition of psychological capital is: An individual state of positive psychological development, which is characterized by: (1) possession of confidence (self-efficacy) by which challenging tasks can be successfully completed through showing and paying necessary efforts; (2) positive attribution should be made on the current and future success (optimism); (3) targets need to be adhered to, and if necessary the line of achieving goals can be re-selected in order to be successful (hope); (4) When confronted with the problems and difficulties, success can be achieved by sticking to goals, quickly restoring and taking roundabout ways (resilience). (Luthans, Youssef and Avolio 2007, p. 15). According to Luthans and colleagues, psychological capital or PsyCap leads to positive organisational behaviour which in turn makes employees work more diligently, adhere to ethics, and acquire higher job satisfaction and improved performance (Luthans, Avolio, Avey, et al. 2007). Psychological capital has four components: 1) self-efficacy, 2) hope, 3) optimism and 4) resilience (Luthans 2005). When used together with social and human capital, psychological capital represents the human resource that each individual owns and which organisations can measure, invest in, develop, and manage effectively. Today, the application of PsyCap is growing in many global companies (Avey 2007). The Kellogg Corporation has institutionalized PsyCap training for all its managers. Engineering leaders and senior managers of The Boeing Company also underwent PsyCap training. Moreover, Boeing has included PsyCap as a workforce development indicator (Avey 2007). Self-efficacy Self-efficacy is the belief that one is capable of attaining specific goals by mobilising motives, cognitive resources and actions (Bandura 1997, p. 76). It refers to positive beliefs and confidence on ones skills and abilities to perform desired task. Persons having high self-efficacy perceive highly that they are capable of taking action and modifying their environment using several resources. Stajkovic and Luthans (1998) believed that people with high psychological capital are more persistent despite failures and are less disheartened and less likely to resign when faced with possibility of failure. Hence, self-efficacy positively impacts work performance. Luthans (2005) recommends ways in which organisations can nurture self-efficacy of employees in his Psychological Capital Intervention [PCI] model. One is to allow employees to identify concrete targets based on employees professional skills. In this manner, employees can process goals in groups and analyze methods in achieving them while criticising and modifying goals. This form of intervention strengthens goal commitment and task control among employees. Another intervention is provide avenues such as trainings and drilling programs where employees can share success stories and exchange experiences in order for them to appreciate that success comes with positive and sustained efforts. Another intervention is to establish expectations by mobilising emotions and persuasions to stimulate confidence among employees that with the proper strategies and timetables, goals can be met. A fourth intervention is the use of positive and constructive defense mechanism in organisational culture through humor, compensation, and sublimation. The idea is to not embarrass or humiliate employees who are frustrated over unachieved goals but to deal with it positively while regaining the employees self-confidence and psychological stability in the process. Hope Hope refers to a positive motivational state characterized by a sense of success resulted from interactions based on agents (goal-oriented vitality) and the paths (plans to achieve goals) (Snyder and Lopez 2002, p. 34). Hope represents an individuals determination that goals are achievable and the individuals conviction that pathways will lead towards attaining these goals. Hope can be determined through two factors: path and willpower (Snyder, Feldman, Taylor, 2000). Peterson

Thursday, September 19, 2019

logical and physical network design :: essays research papers

Ethical Issues   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ethics statement of the business for which I work, and includes examples of ethical behavior. The paper will cover the success and/or failures of the ethical statement purpose, how the statement contributes to the work environment, and the consequences of the failure to observe the ethical guidelines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The company I work for provides a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct to its employees worldwide for their guidance in addressing the legal and ethical issues encountered in conducting the company’s business. The code starts with a summary of the core business values that are essential to the success of the company. The employees are expected to adopt these values and apply them to their day-to-day business activities. The company feels that the acceptance and adherence to these values will enhance the long-term success of serving the customer base, increasing the competitiveness and the pride of the corporation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel the purpose of the company’s ethics statement is to set forth standards that restate compliances with laws and regulations. It also covers common sense rules by which employees should be determined to live and work. The company encourages success of these guidelines by requiring employees to become familiar with the contents of the Code. These successes are made available through web cast presentations for each employee. Individuals who fail in their success of ethical behavior do not feel the need to embrace the guidelines. The expectation is for each employee to exercise sound judgment, conduct, and seek proper counsel in any action that may compromise personal ethical standards and those of the corporation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The statement contributes to the work environment by outlining business values. Employees are to demonstrate honesty in all business transactions and personal dealings with others. They must consistently treat individuals with respect; demonstrate teamwork and the ability to work together. Employees must show innovative approaches to problem solving with a high priority to customer satisfaction. They must also seek continuous improvement in quality, fairness, and compliance to the ethical statement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This code is applicable to all employees of the corporation. The employees must operate within the bounds of all applicable laws. It is expected that all employees compete fairly and ethically for all business opportunities involving sales or licensing of products. Individuals are expected to know, understand, and honor the terms of contractual agreements. Failure to comply with the guidelines stated will result in disciplinary action.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Survive by Love, Faith and Will Essay -- History, Nazi Party, Jews

At the beginning of the 20th century, anti-Semitism became more serious. Germany began to isolate and eliminate Jews. When the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, comes to power in 1933, he wanted to set up the perfect Nazi state. The Nazis wanted to stamp out any opposition to their rule, so they set up a system of concentration camps, death camps for holding people that they see as â€Å"undesirable†. Those â€Å"undesirables† were Jews. From 1933 to 1945, about six million Jews are murdered and it is called the Holocaust. The Holocaust is the greatest single case of mass murder in history and is difficult to ignore. After World War II, survivors of the Holocaust told their stories directly or wrote down what happened in the Holocaust. One of the famous writers is Elie Wiesel, a Noble Peace Prize winner in 1986 who wrote the novel Night based on his experience as a Holocaust survivor. Night is the record of Elie Wiesel’s memories of the Holocaust. This work of lit erature is about his experience with his father, Chlomo, in the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald between 1944 and 1945. Another book that effectively describes the theme of the Holocaust by Canadian poet Anne Michaels is Fugitive Pieces, for which she received many prizes such as, Orange Prize, Canadian Authors Association Award and so on. The Fugitive Piece tells the story of a seven-year old young boy Jakob Beer and his parents are murdered by Nazi soldiers and his sister, Bella, is abducted during the Holocaust in Poland. Jakob flees and is rescued by a Greece geologist Athos Roussos. Athos hides Jakob successfully in Greek, then at the end of war, they move to Toronto. Both characters though from different perspectives and stories Elie and Jakob’s experiences... ...him geography and language every day. Because of Athos strong will, Jakob finally goes out the room and back to life at the end of the war. Hence, Ellie and Athos' will to survive supports them and the people around them to live to see the end of the war. To sum up, World War II was the most destructive human endeavor in history. Battles were fought on every continent and involved more than sixty countries, affecting about three-quarters of the world’s population. Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. Although the memory of Holocaust has made the world more sensitive to genocide, it has a lasting impact on the Jewish people. Then both Night and Fugitive Pieces are two impressive books which allow readers glimpse at Holocaust, tell the world that even in the worst situations, love from families and friends, faith and will to live will encourage survivals.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparative Analysis

Pony and Identify 3 things that have changed and 3 things that have not changed. In the five (5) State of the Nation Addresses (Jonas) delivered by President Benson S. Aquinas Ill before the Joint Session of the House of Representatives and the Senate from 2010-2014, there are several issues that are common or consistent with all Jonas. However, for purposes of highlighting the most obvious ones, we could enumerate it according to its prominent appearance in the SOON speeches.These are the following: 1. The issue on rice importation and ice sufficiency as part of the government's overall campaign on agricultural modernization and food production to make the country a rice exporting and rice self-sufficient nation. 2. The implementation of the APS or the Pantywaist Paying Filipino Program also known as the Conditional Cash Transfer Program intended to augment the financial capability of poor families to send their students to school. 3.The Armed Forces of the Philippines (APP) Moderni zation Program that will ensure the country's external security needs by providing war materials and military equipment hence upgrading and bolstering our country's military capability. In the aspect that highlights each Sonar's uniqueness and distinctiveness, it is worth noting that there are at least 3 items in each particular SOON that shows its differences with other SOON speeches delivered from 2010-2014.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pohela Boishakh Festival Essay

Pohela Boishakh is a Public festival of the Bengalis; it is celebrated among all Bengalis- irrespective of religious and regional differences. In Bangladesh, it is a national holiday celebrated around 14th April. The traditional greeting for Bengali New Year is â€Å"Shubhà ´ Nà ´bobà ´rsho†. Pohela Boishakh is also the beginning of all business activities. I am lucky enough that I am a Dhaka city dweller. Observance of Pohela Boishakh has become popular in Dhaka. People from all walks of life dressup in traditional Bengali attire in Pohela Boishakh. Men wear dhuti / payejama / lungi and kurta /Panjabi. Young women wear white saris with red borders, and adorn themselves with tip (bindis), churi (bangles) and fÃ… «l (flowers). I bought earlier Panjabi with white and red combination for wearing in Pohela Boishakh. The Pohela Boishakh celebrations and festivities reflect the life in rural Bengal. On this day everything is washed and cleaned. On that day I woke up early in the morning, bathed early in the morning and dressed my new clothes. Pohela Boishakh has now become an integral part of Bengali culture. In Pohela Boishakh special food items were prepared for the guests. I decided to spend much of the day time visiting relatives, friends and neighbours. In Dhaka and other large cities, the festivals begin with people gathering under a big tree. People also find any bank of a lake or river to witness the sunrise. Artists present songs to welcome the New Year, particularly with Rabindranath Tagore’s well-known song â€Å"Esho, he Boishakh†. First I went to Ramna Park. Large numbers of people gathered under the banyan tree at Ramna Park where Chhayanat artists opened the day with Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song, Esho, he Boishakh, Esho Esho. A similar ceremony welcoming the New Year was also held at the Institute of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka. Students and teachers of the institute took out a colourful procession and paraded round the campus. I felt happy joining the parade. At noon, I took panta bhat (rice soaked in water), green chilies, onion, and fried Hilsa fish. In the afternoon I along with some of  my friends visited a Baishaki Mela. I went around the fair and bought some earthen jewelry. At about 4 pm I went to Jatiya Press Club where a cultural   was held. I saw a lot of prominent and leading artists over there. They delivered their informative speeches on the significance of the day. At about 7 pm I came back home with a cheerful mind.  I enjoyed the celebration of Pohela Boishakh tremendously. It was a memorable ceremony. My personal impression about the festival of Pohela Boishakh can play an important role in developing the cultural unity without distinction between class, race and religious affiliations. Mixture of western culture and native or traditional cultural is the great example of cultural intrusion?   habit of reading books among the people. It is a device to spread culture, education and knowledge. It changes our outlook on life and widens our domain of learning. It broadens our mind. It is a part and parcel of our national life. We enjoyed the visit tremendously. It was a memorable trip.  Book fair is very important because the it upgrades our thoughts and expands our knowledge. I was very delighted visiting such a fair and gathered some new experience there. I think every celebration of Pohela Boishakh ensure proper security should be taken. The most colorful festival Pohela Boishakh ( Bengali New Year) By Bangladesh summer tour  · Updated over a year ago Let’s Join the most colorful Festival of Bangladesh † Pohela Boishakh ( Happy New Year in Bengali)† in Summer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Bengali New Year or Pà ´hela Boishakh , occurring on 14th April, is the first day of the Bengali calendar, celebrated in Bangladesh. Bangla New Year or Pohela Boishakh connects all Ethnic Bengalis irrespective of religious and regional differences. Ethnic Bengalis across the world and from all walks of life unite to celebrate the Public or Universal Festival of Bengalis i.e. Pohela Boishakh; it’s the occasion to welcome the New-Year with a new hope of peace, prosperity and goodwill. In Bangladesh, it is a national holiday celebrated around 14th April according to the official amended calendar designed  by  the  Bangla  Academy. Pohela Boishakh celebration dates back to Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar’s reign. Akbar the Great, the renowned grandson of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar was the 3rd Mughal Emperor. As discussed earlier; the celebrations started from Akbar’s reign. But the Public celebration of Poyela Boishakh and the large-scale organizations of cultural  events  have  started  more  recently.  The Pohela Boishakh celebrations and festivities reflect the life in rural Bengal. Usually on this day everything is washed and cleaned; people bathe early in the morning and dress in fine clothes and then go to visit relatives and friends. Special food items are prepared for the guests. Starting as a rural festival, Pohela Boishakh has now become an integral part of Bengali culture. Boishakhi Fairs are organized in many parts of Bengal. The lifestyle of rural Bengal is showcased in almost all these fairs. Various traditional handicrafts, toys, cosmetics, agricultural products, as well as various kinds of food and sweets are sold at these fairs. The fairs also provide entertainment, with singers and dancers staging jatra (traditional plays), pala gan, kobigan, jarigan, gambhira gan, gazir gan and alkap gan. They present folk songs as well as baul, marfati, murshidi and bhatiali songs. Narrative plays like Laila-Majnu, Yusuf-Zulekha and Radha-Krishna are staged. Among other attractions of these fairs are puppet shows, merrygo-round and Giant wheels are also installed and are enjoyed by the children. The Bengali New Year begins at dawn, and the day is marked with singing, processions, and fairs. Traditionally, businesses start this day with a new ledger, clearing out the old.  People of Bangladesh enjoy a national holiday on Pohela Boishakh. All over  the country people can enjoy fairs and festivals. Singers perform traditional songs welcoming the new year. Vendors sell conventional foods and artisans sell traditional handicrafts. People enjoy traditional jatra plays. Village dwellers of Bangladesh traditionally clean their house and people usually dress up in new clothes. Like other festivals of the region, the day is marked by visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. People prepare special dishes for their guests. The rural festivities have now evolved to become vast events in the cities, especially the capital Dhaka.  In Dhaka and other large cities, the festivals begin with people gathering under a big tree. People also find any bank of a lake or river to witness the sunrise. Artists present songs to welcome the new year, particularly with Rabindranath Tagore’s well-known song â€Å"Esho, he Boishakh†. People from all spheres of life wear traditional Bengali dresses. Women wear traditional saris with their hair bedecked in flowers. Likewise, men prefer to wear traditional panjabis. A huge part of the festivities in the capital is a vivid procession organized by the students and teachers of Institute of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka. Nowadays, Pohela Boishakh celebrations also observe a day of cultural unity without distinction between class, race and religious affiliations. Of the major holidays celebrated in Bangladesh and West Bengal, only Pà ´hela Boishakh comes without any preexisting expectations. Unlike Eid ul-Fitr and Durga Pujo, where dressing up in lavish clothes has become a norm, or Christmas where exchanging gifts has become an essential part of the holiday, Pà ´hela Boishakh is about celebrating the simpler, rural roots of the Bengal. Eventually, more people can take part in the festivities without the load of having to reveal one’s class, religion, or finances. I am lucky enough that I am a Dhaka city dweller. Observance of Pohela Boishakh has become popular in Dhaka. On that day I woke up early in the morning and dressed in fine clothes. I decided to spend much of the day time visiting relatives, friends and neighbours. First I went to Ramna Park.  Large numbers of people gathered under the banyan tree at Ramna Park where Chhayanat artists opened the day with Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song, à ¦ Ã  ¦ ¸ à §â€¹, à ¦ ¹Ã  §â€¡ à ¦ ¬Ã  §Ë†Ã  ¦ ¶Ã  §â€¹Ã  ¦â€", à ¦ Ã  ¦ ¸ à §â€¹ à ¦ Ã  ¦ ¸ à §â€¹ Esho, he Boishakh, Esho Esho (Come, O Boishakh, Come, Come). A similar ceremony welcoming the New Year was also held at the Institute of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka. Students and teachers of the institute took out a colourful procession and paraded round the campus. I felt happy joining the parade. At noon, I took panta bhat   (rice soaked in water), green chilies, onion, and fried Hilsa fish. In the after noon I along with some of my friends visited a Baishaki Mela. I went around the fair and bought some earthen jewelry. At about 4 pm I went to Jatiya Press Club where a cultural was held. I saw a lot of prominent and leading artists over there. They delivered their informative speeches on the significance of the day. At about 7 pm I came back home with a cheerful mind.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Satire and irony by Jonathan Swift

Satire and irony are the main literary tools used by Jonathan Swift in A Modest Proposal and Gulliver’s Travels. The author has used irony to create satire in making the audience see the deeper truths within the prevailing social, moral and political circumstances prevailing during the time. While making a comparison between A Modest Proposal and Gulliver’s Travels, one can see that the author has used satire, irony and satirical settings in highlighting the problems and contradictions present in society. The author also intends to make comments on such circumstances without intentionally addressing the reader for his response. In both A Modest Proposal and Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift has used irony and satire to achieve certain goals primarily because of the disparity in the structure of each work. There is a strong variance in the use of satire in A Modest Proposal and Gulliver’s Travels. A Modest Proposal is certainly a satire which aims at making people of that period to realize the patterns of cold and calculated callousness demonstrated by forthright rationalism in dealing with issues related to poverty and over population. Swift’s works fall under two kinds of satire; the formal and the indirect. Formal satire is narrated in first person while indirect satire is in the form of the character appealing to the audience. A Modest Proposal is an indirect satire since the author speaks on behalf of a character who proposes to provide solutions to an audience that is primarily anonymous while addressing the political economy. The satire used by Swift in A Modest Proposal is aptly demonstrated by the following; I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout† (Swift, 1996). The irony in A Modest Proposal has been presented by the author mainly through characterization whereby the speaker makes the proposals. For example the speaker in A Modest Proposal who is ironic is able to discuss coldly about the social and economic advantages of killing children and then eating them without a tinge or presence of any thought being given to the related moral problems. The irony exhibited by this character does reveal that he can just go on criticizing the moral weak points of mothers who undergo immoral acts such as abortions and committing infanticide. In a dramatic and very ironic statement, one of the characters in A Modest Proposal balks at the prospect of eating teen-agers because it amounts to cruelty, which is in stark contrast to the other suggestions in it. The characters in A Modest Proposal use satire and irony in indirectly telling the readers to ignore the other options and ideas thus giving an example of being represented by the most terrible social planners and politicians. The character can make ironical statements in making them to appear perfectly economical without appearing to comprehend the appalling nature of the same. For example, on one occasion the character talks about selling children as food, which is narrated in A Modest Proposal as â€Å"I grant this food [children] will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. † Indeed this is a very powerful statement in being disguised as being the meaning that conveys the philosophy of the speaker and in addressing the fact that the rich land owners of England and Ireland had taken away all that the poor inhabitants had. Such ironic narrations in A Modest Proposal convey to the reader in a rather cold manner about how children’s skin can be used in making †¦ â€Å"admirable gloves for ladies and summer boots for fine gentlemen†. It appears quite normal and nothing extraordinary for the narrator to rattle out such ironical words in implying as if it was something very simple and beautiful. The inherent irony in A Modest Proposal does make the reader understand the dangers involved in blindly adhering to a single philosophy especially when the entire population is likely to be adversely influenced. Verbal irony is the main figure of speech in A Modest Proposal, whereby the character says exactly the opposite of what he intends to mean. Swift has tactfully used such a device in making his arguments about the Irish people deserving improved conduct from the English, which is indeed extremely amusing and powerful. In pointing out that the Irish should not be ill treated as animals, Swift has written, â€Å"I rather recommend buying the children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs. In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift has made the bureaucracy of England as the main target of irony and satire. Gulliver’s Travels is primarily a work of satire. According to Rodino , â€Å"Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona; rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical points† (Rodino, 1992). Sure the work begins with a lot of satire in attacking the different political machines. Primarily, however, Gulliver's Travels is a work of satire. â€Å"Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona; rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical points† (Rodino, 1992). Indeed, whereas the work begins with more specific satire, attacking perhaps one political machine or aimed at one particular custom in each instance, it finishes with â€Å"the most savage onslaught on humanity ever written,† satirizing the whole of the human condition. Murry, 1972). During the time of Swift, the monarchy in England had lot of influence in most realms including law despite the increasing power of the bureaucracy. It is this aspect which has been made as the object of satire in Gulliver’s Travels by way of the actions of the Lilliputians who take detailed stock of the possessions of Gulliver and in being prone to making official proclamations about the factors that governed the life of Gulliver along with that of the other citizens. This is evident from what Gulliver remarks in an important quote from Gulliver’s Travels, â€Å"I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals, who durst venture to mount and walk on my body, while one of my hands was at liberty, without trembling at the sight of prodigious creature as I must appear to them† (Swift, 1983). Such overpowering self importance is an example of the satire used by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels. It can be seen that a small and unimportant matter can be transformed and made into a bureaucratic and political issue of great importance. The satire is also evident for example when there is a war between Blefuscu and Lilliput because the Emperor cut his finger with an egg shell and there was no consensus about the best way to break the egg. This is evident from the quote from the book, â€Å"Whereupon the Emperor published an edict, commanding all his subjects, under great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs. The people so highly resented this law, that our histories tell us there have been six rebellions raised on this account† (Swift, 1983). The war had specifically broken out between Blefuscu and Lilliput because the debate ended without any conclusion being arrived at in regard to interpreting which end of the egg was smaller. For the author of Gulliver’s Travels, Lilliput represents England while Blefuscu represents France. In narrating this story, Swift has satirized the aimless bickering and power struggle between the two countries. The introduction of Lilliput in Gulliver’s Travels is indicative of an absurd and miniature England instead of a distant Utopia. In conveying the description of the government and the land it is made clear that despite the Lilliputians suffering from the same faults as present in the English society, they possessed several principles that allowed them to have a Utopian existence, particularly when its comparison was made with England. After Gulliver escapes from Lilliput he goes to England and returns back to sea after some time. This time he lands in a strange land where he is the smaller one as compared to Llliput but is alone in this world and when he does encounter the first inhabitants he gets scared, â€Å"for as human creatures are observed to be more savage in proportion to their bulk† (Swift, 1983). This indicates that Swift has used satire in attacking humanity for their ways. The satire in Gulliver’s Travels reaches the pinnacle whereby â€Å"Swift put his most biting, hard lines, that speak against not only the government, but human nature itself† (Paij, 2009). Using a great deal of irony, Swift makes Gulliver to come in contact with the Yahoos when he comments about a Yahoo, â€Å"My horror and astonishment are not to be described, when I observed in this abdominal animal a perfect human figure† (Swift, 1983). Gulliver ponders that the basic difference between him and the yahoo was the absence of clothes and cleanliness; otherwise the animal was no less than a human. In making such narrations Swift achieved his goal in expressing the satire in showing that humans have overpowering flaws which ultimately lead to the degradation of man. He has used a satirical technique in Gulliver’s Travels in order to attack modernity. He is seen as being concerned about the enhanced power of Europeans throughout the world, the nastiness of the privileged and the increasing importance of wealth for achieving happiness in life (Harold, 1986). Swift took Gulliver on four voyages which made him have a larger understanding of the flaws in human nature. Gulliver’s perceptions about humans and the world change and it is the change in his narrations that conveys the author’s social commentary and satire. Gulliver’s image of humans is not much influenced after the first voyage and so is the case for the second one. But his image of humans declines steadily by the end of the fourth voyage when he comes across the Yahoos. It is in this way that Swift has presented his opinion about human conditions.

Football Madness

Our team were in the away changing room and my ears were hurting as the manager's voice went straight through me whilst he shouted at us for the dreadful performance we just gave. Then he threw a bottle towards Marcel the goalkeeper who safely caught it. † Oh now you stop it fool!† he shouted sarcastically at him. The room was stuffy because of all the sweat and heat coming off the players. We just got beat two nil by the Newcastle United under twenty ones and our main striker Carlton Wallace the team captain was under pressure. His last season performance was superb, he got top scorer with twenty-one goals and most of them goals were from his heading ability as he was very tall so he had a lot depending on him this season by Leeds United Football Club, because he is on the brink of entering the senior squad. So far during the season he hasn't scored for the first five games and the team are worried about him. The next day he turned up late for training and the Manager Tony Forbes went over to Carlton as he stepped out of his brand new Mercedes Benz SLK and he started shouting and being intolerant at him, Carlton then got straight back in the car and drove off in a rush. As Tony came back the players just pretended that it never happened and carried on with training, except one, that was Andrew Moyes who was the joker amongst the group and he thought he knew what had happened. He asked Tony in a bigheaded way â€Å"what was that all about then gaffer?† Tony replied, â€Å"Just forget it its nothing to do with you.† And Andrew put his hands up towards his chin as if he were holding a handbag and went â€Å"oooooo†. But Tony reacted badly and shouted at him â€Å"you're dropped from the team on Saturday for that remark, you sicken me!† then some players started to smirk, but lucky for them Tony didn't notice. As we were going in Andrew stated, â€Å"I think Carlton's got problems.† So I replied, † what makes you think that?† I asked and Andrew replied, † his behaviour just lately is weird, don't you think?† † He has been a bit strange but nothing too serious I hope.† I stated. But we thought nothing of it and carried on getting towards the changing rooms with the rest of the team. We were entering the changing rooms as the assistant was writing Saturday's team out for the match against Middlesbrough, so everyone was gathered around the board to see their name on it and Carlton was dropped for Alan Smith and everyone was amazed because last season they beat Middlesborough four nil and Carlton got three goals, so I went to see the gaffer but he had left early. As I was getting changed Jamie our key defender asked me, â€Å"Do you want to come for a drink with us?† I replied â€Å"No I've got to shoot off sorry.† So I went to the secretary and asked her where Tony had gone and she said he'd gone to Carlton's to sort something out, immediately I rushed out to the car park and dodged all the journalists who were bombarding me with questions about Carlton's future, so I could get into my car and go. Luckily no police seen me speeding on my way to Carlton's but as I slowly approached his house I saw Tony getting out of his car on the driveway, he stepped up to the door, knocked on it and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Carlton opened the door and poked his head around to see who it was, then he looked around outside for people, but luckily he didn't see me. Then he invited Tony in to his house. Seeing this I got out the car and went round the side of his house making sure I wasn't seen and the window was open so I tried and listen in on the conversation. I heard Carlton talking about when he went to the doctors and got told that if he continues to head a football it will affect his brain because of all the pressure be exerted on to the skull, but last year nearly every goal was a header so that might explain why he hasn't been on form this season. After hearing that I ran back to the car and drove straight to The Bottle of Sack, our local pub where the lads were and darted inside to break the news. As soon as I entered they kept offering drinks and asking things so I couldn't a word in. But then I seen Jamie going to the toilet so I followed him in and Explained to him the situation and he went straight back out and gathered the team round. After he told them they and started to think of what to do and Andrew said â€Å"let's help him through it.† â€Å"You don't say, † Marcel replied sarcastically â€Å"But how?† asked Jamie and Andrew bellowed â€Å"let's sign a new player to replace him.† And everyone gave him a dirty look, then Martin his striking partner said, † well instead of him heading the ball he could bicycle kick then his goals would be spectacular.† So Jamie replied, † it's stupid but it might just work.† â€Å"But that's a difficult skill to perform day in day out.† I added, so Marcel our goalkeeper announced above all the noise of the players in his French accent â€Å"lets train him to do it then, its what teamwork's all about isn't it?† so everybody started planning out what to do in Thursday's training session. It was Thursday and we all waited in the changing room for Tony to enter to tell him Martin's idea. So as he entered Jamie called him over and asked, â€Å"can I have a word outside gaffer?† â€Å"No† he replied â€Å"but it's important gaffer† Jamie added, they both went out. A minute later we heard Tony shout out â€Å"brilliant.† Then he burst back in and said â€Å"Lads Jamie here has just come up with a solution to Carlton's problem.† And Jamie butted in and said, â€Å"Well actually it was Martin's idea gaffer.† â€Å"Who cares?† he exclaimed, so he carried on telling us â€Å"we shall make him do over head or bicycle kicks instead of heading the ball. But you will have to put in effort to help him, agreed?† â€Å"Yes gaffer.† We all replied simultaneously. He then queried, â€Å"How did you know about this problem?† Then suddenly Carlton the changing room so everyone greeted him and luckily for me Tony never found out how we knew. After he got changed Tony told us to go on to field and he would meet us down there except Carlton, because he wanted to talk to Carlton about Martin's idea. I was last out of the changing room and I decided to stay outside the door and listen in on the conversation. At first Tony said â€Å"well Carlton you know about yesterdays talk at yours?† â€Å"Yes.† He replied, â€Å"well I was thinking about your problem and why don't you bicycle kick the ball instead?† asked Tony and Carlton replied † well it's a bit hard to do that gaffer, because I'm not that good at it you see. Also it's quite difficult to perform unless every cross is perfect† â€Å"But we'll do training on it every session starting today, the lads will help and have to do it as well.† Said Tony, so Carlton agreed â€Å"yes†. I quickly dashed on to field so they did not see me as they came out. As I got near Andrew said â€Å"were have you been?† but I was out of breath because I had to run so Tony didn't know I was listening. When Tony arrived with Carlton Tony shouted out â€Å"come on do the warm up procedure.† So all the players did stretching and jogging on the spot and the usual things, but Carlton and the Tony were talking about something and then Tony called the Marcel over and me. He explained to us â€Å"well Marcel get in goal and Mark put some crosses in for Carlton so he can practice those overhead kicks. So I went over and crossed a ball in but Carlton could not reach so Tony shouted â€Å"a bit lower.† So I tried again and he just missed it. We tried again and again but he couldn't do it. Tony shouted over to me † a few more† so I crossed it in and he connected to it perfectly and Tony shouted â€Å"superb lads!† keep it up we did it another two times and he just kept on doing it. The Tony told us to stop and told us † don't get too carried away, save it for the weekend† On the way to the changing room I asked Tony â€Å"why don't you put Carlton into the first team instead of Alan?† but he just said, â€Å"I might, I don't know yet.† After I got changed I went to the car park and got in my car and drove off home so I could rest for tomorrow's game against Middlesbrough. The next morning on the way to Ellend road, which was our home ground, I was all ready for the game today. I pulled into the ground and parked the car. I then got out with my kit bag and went through reception and into changing room and noticed Carlton sitting there all changed ready for the game, and I asked, â€Å"Are you all right?† and he replied, â€Å"yes I'm ecstatic.† â€Å"Why?† I asked he said â€Å"the gaffer has put me in the squad for today because he was amazed by training yesterday with them over head kicks.† â€Å"Brilliant Carlton, well done.† I greeted. â€Å"But I couldn't of done it with out you mate.† He replied Then the gaffer came in and said, â€Å"I don't want any scrappy football today lads last week was dreadful, so come on show me what you've got.† As the bell went to go out all the players shouted â€Å"come on!† stood up clapped, the room was vibrating from the players passion. We then we made our way on to the pitch. It was midway through the first half and the crowd was roaring with excitement, I got the ball passed through to me down the right hand side; I skipped past one defender and crossed the ball in towards Carlton who was waiting in the area. He jumped up and to do a bicycle kick, the time slowed dramatically as if it were a movie. Then Carlton went to kick it, he missed the ball and there was a big gasp from the crowd of over thirty thousand fans. He landed on his back with a massive cry of pain and everyone froze. It didn't look good. Every team gathered round even some Middlesbrough players to look at him then the physio dashed onto the pitch to see what the problem was he shouted â€Å"move away give him room† then he called for a stretcher. He was taken off on the stretcher and was immediately to on his way to hospital in an ambulance. Tony told Chris to get ready so he could replace Carlton. The crowd went silent and we heard the siren of the ambulance as it hurried off to hospital. There was no enthusiasm for the rest of the half and the match was boring now The half time whistle blew and everyone went back to changing room. Tony didn't say anything; he was in shock after the incident with Carlton. The bell rang for us to go out again but this time there was no roar of passion from the players as they strolled out towards the field. The second half was boring because Carlton wasn't playing and the players had no strategy anymore. The game just dragged on back and forth until eventually Tony used his last substitute, which was Alan, he came on for Jamie who had a quiet game. There was only two minutes left on the clock and our goalie had just made a fantastic save to keep us level, he kicked the ball out to Andrew who controlled it brilliantly and then slotted a through ball up to Alan who chased it with all the strength he had, their goalkeeper rushed towards the ball to try and smother it, it was one on one and Alan got there first and skipped around the goalie and passed it into the net. The crowd were roaring with delight as there was only one minute left, but you couldn't hear anything because of the noise from the fans, it was deafening. Tony was running up and down the touchline jumping for joy. The team were cheering as well, running up the pitch to congratulate Alan. The ground felt like it would collapse from the noise and excitement. Then we heard the final whistle blow as the game concluded, and the fans were going wild due to Alan's goal, but everyone forgot about Carlton, except me. So I quickly ran into the dressing room and got changed and dashed to the hospital to check how he was. When I got there I asked the receptionist â€Å"were is Carlton Wallace please?† She replied, â€Å"Ward seven room two.† I walked quickly towards it, eventually finding him lying in a bed in pain. The doctor was standing next to his bed and asked me â€Å"excuse me are do know this person?† I replied, â€Å"Yes we play for the same football club, will he be able to play again?† â€Å"He's damaged ligaments in his lower back, so it doesn't look very promising† he replied. I just stood there and stared at Carlton with hope. â€Å"I'm afraid your going to have to leave now because visiting times are over, also we need to plan the operation for tomorrow.† The doctor told me â€Å"What operation!† I exclaimed â€Å"We need to operate on his lower back quickly or he may never play again† he replied Then I asked â€Å"is it risky?† â€Å"Of course it is, every operation is risky,† he told me. You'd better go now he needs his rest for tomorrow. So I left with a bad feeling that this operation may go wrong, but how was I going to explain it to the lads, that will be even harder. I got to my car in the car park and whilst I was opening the door I told myself that I wasn't going to the lads and let them find out for themselves, so I carried on home to spend the night and have a think. The next day I was tired because I hadn't had much sleep because I was up all night thinking about Carlton's back operation. I had to get over it and go and see him at hospital. When I arrived at hospital I went to ward seven to see him and his parents were there crying, the doctor was there again so I went up to him and asked how he was he explained â€Å"the operation was successful we repaired the ligaments but he will have to give up football for a while† â€Å"Whys that† I asked â€Å"His back isn't capable of all that running and exercise that footballers do day in day out.† I ran out of the hospital got in my car and sped off home because I realised that he won't recover from this and will have to retire. I had a lot of different feelings inside me like anger, disappointment, confusion of why this happened. I then remembered it was Martins idea to make him do overhead kicks and I knew he lived across the road, so I went over and started banging on the door until he opened it. As I seen him open the door I burst in with rage and started beating him up shouting out â€Å"this is for Carlton† â€Å"its your fault he's having to retire†. I realised I got a carried away as I stopped hitting him because he'd stopped breathing and was just lying there on the floor, I didn't know what to do. I got up and ran over to my house then just crumbled down to the floor and started crying.